School of Happiness
"Crafting Happiness, Cultivating Superminds: Discover the harmonious synergy of Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence that makes learning super exciting."
Anand Bhavan Central School is located at Anchal in Kollam District. Established in 2003 and affiliated to the CBSE, New Delhi, the school is situated in a halcyon valley just 2 kms to the South of Market Junction, Anchal. The energizing fresh air and greenery around the school and the splendor of the blue Western Ghats in the back drop ensures a calm and peace – filled ambience condusive to learning .The beautiful sight of sun rise from behind the scintillating mountains is a soul stirring sight to behold. Like a saint clad in white, meditates the school in the lap of nature waiting to nurture young minds.
“Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge, and knowledge makes you great.”